Friday, March 13, 2015


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Cinderella 2015 is trending today on Google.

Google Trends
Cinderella 2015 is trending today on Google.
United StatesFriday, March 13, 2015
Cinderella 2015
100,000+ searches
Why Disney's New Cinderella Is the Anti-Frozen TIME
Ever since the cast was announced, I've been wishing hard on Disney's new live action adaptation of Cinderella. This was, after all, a product of the new Disney, whose last princess-based effort resulted in the girl-power juggernaut we know and love as ...
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Pi is trending today on Google.

Google Trends
Pi is trending today on Google.
10,000+ searches
A number of things to know about Pi CNN
And if you mark pi at 9:26.53 in the morning or night, you're just a little more in line with the celebrated irrational number that never ends. To 31 decimal places, pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795. A few more tidbits about pi and Pi Day: About pi.
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© 2014 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

Kentucky Basketball is trending today on Google.

Google Trends
Kentucky Basketball is trending today on Google.
United StatesFriday, March 13, 2015
The Courier-Journal (blog)
Kentucky Basketball
20,000+ searches
Game Rewind | UK pulls away from Florida again The Courier-Journal (blog)
Refresh often (or click here) for updates throughout the University of Kentucky's 1 p.m. Friday SEC tournament quarterfinal against Florida in Nashville's Bridgestone Arena. Final: UK 64, Florida 49. Next up are the SEC tournament semifinals for a Cats ...
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Kathy Griffin is trending today on Google.

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Kathy Griffin is trending today on Google.
United StatesFriday, March 13, 2015
New York Daily News
Kathy Griffin
20,000+ searches
Kathy Griffin is leaving 'Fashion Police' after just seven episodes Washington Post
After just two months and seven episodes, Kathy Griffin is saying goodbye to "Fashion Police." Griffin made the announcement by posting a statement on Twitter Thursday night. It's shocking news, considering that Griffin, once a regular on red carpet ...
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생방송 심야토론, 고삐풀린 전셋값 잡을 수 있나, 20150313

기대해라 칠전팔기 구해라 10회, 20150313

방영드라마 기대해라 칠전팔기 구해라 10회, 20150313

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아궁이 100회, 20150313

아궁이 아궁이 100회, 20150313

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청년창업 Runway – 리본 하나로 연매출 10억원, 20150313

MBC 뉴스데스크, 20150313

시사교양 종합 MBC 뉴스데스크, 20150313

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신문이야기 돌직구 쇼, 20150313

시사교양 종합 신문이야기 돌직구 쇼, 20150313

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이한철의 올댓뮤직, 20150313

예능오락 종합 이한철의 올댓뮤직, 20150313

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리얼스토리 눈, 성형외과 유령의사에게 빼앗긴 내 얼굴 , 20150313

먹거리X파일 160회, 20150313

시사교양 종합 먹거리X파일 160회, 20150313

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로맨스의 일주일 시즌 2, 3회, 20150313

예능오락 종합 로맨스의 일주일 시즌 2, 3회, 20150313

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웃음을 찾는 사람들 90회, 20150313

웃음을 찾는 사람들 웃음을 찾는 사람들 90회, 20150313

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나 혼자 산다 96회, 20150313

나혼자산다 나 혼자 산다 96회, 20150313

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용감한 가족 7회, 20150313

예능오락 종합 용감한 가족 7회, 20150313

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애정통일 남남북녀 37회, 20150313

예능오락 종합 애정통일 남남북녀 37회, 20150313

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마녀사냥 83회, 20150313

마녀사냥 마녀사냥 83회, 20150313

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The Collective Project: Robert Downey Jr. Delivers a Real Bionic Arm

Title: Most Recent


Simicska és a régi csibészek

Title: Most Recent


Pi and Friday the 13th are trending today on Google.

Google Trends
Pi and Friday the 13th are trending today on Google.
United StatesFriday, March 13, 2015
Washington Post
100,000+ searches
MIT gets transcendental: Admissions decisions on 'perfect' Pi Day, 3.14/15 Washington Post
Anna Tiberi recognized, with joy, the date and time of the release of MIT admissions decisions the moment she saw it written out in numerals: "That's pi!" For anyone in the midst of college-admissions anxiety — after all the stress that precedes the ...
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ABC News
Friday the 13th
20,000+ searches
What's So Bad About Friday the 13th, Anyway? Slate Magazine
This year will see three Friday the 13ths, the most possible in a calendar year. Recently, the holiday has been mostly used for themed bar nights and marathons of a certain movie series. But what led people to associate this day and date with ...
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아시아 리포트, 20150313

시사교양 종합 아시아 리포트, 20150313

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만나고 싶은 사람 듣고 싶은 이야기, 20150313

시사교양 종합 만나고 싶은 사람 듣고 싶은 이야기, 20150313

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SBS 뉴스 8, 20150313

시사교양 종합 SBS 뉴스 8, 20150313

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MBC 네트워크 특선, 농촌탐구생활 뭡니까?! 태양마을 편, 20150313

우리 아이가 달라졌어요, 20150313

시사교양 종합 우리 아이가 달라졌어요, 20150313

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채널A 쾌도난마 20150313

시사교양 종합 채널A 쾌도난마 20150313

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직언직설, 20150313

시사교양 종합 직언직설, 20150313

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돌아온 저격수다, 20150313

시사교양 종합 돌아온 저격수다, 20150313

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생방송 오늘 저녁, 20150313

시사교양 종합 생방송 오늘 저녁, 20150313

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소비자 리포트 93회, 20150313

시사교양 종합 소비자 리포트 93회, 20150313

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슈퍼대디 열 1회, 20150313

방영드라마 슈퍼대디 열 1회, 20150313

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궁금한 이야기Y 253회, 20150313

시사교양 종합 궁금한 이야기Y 253회, 20150313

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하나뿐인 지구, 20150313

시사교양 종합 하나뿐인 지구, 20150313

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VJ특공대 754회, 20150313

시사교양 종합 VJ특공대 754회, 20150313

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압구정 백야 105회, 20150313

방영드라마 압구정 백야 105회, 20150313

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Zámbó Krisztián bucsúztatta Győzike mamáját

Title: Most Recent


기분좋은 날, 20150313

시사교양 종합 기분좋은 날, 20150313

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무엇이든 물어보세요, 20150313

시사교양 종합 무엇이든 물어보세요, 20150313

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여유만만, 20150313

시사교양 종합 여유만만, 20150313

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굿모닝 510, 특별한 오늘, 20150313

시사교양 종합 굿모닝 510, 특별한 오늘, 20150313

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MBC 파워 매거진, 20150312

시사교양 종합 MBC 파워 매거진, 20150312

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최고의 요리비결 바베큐 소스 구운 주먹밥, 20150313

최고의 요리비결 플러스, 20150313

시사교양 종합 최고의 요리비결 플러스, 20150313

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지구촌 뉴스, 20150313

시사교양 종합 지구촌 뉴스, 20150313

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잘 살아보세 1회, 20150312

시사교양 종합 잘 살아보세 1회, 20150312

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스페이스 공감 1105회, 20150312

예능오락 종합 스페이스 공감 1105회, 20150312

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TV소설 그래도 푸르른 날에 10회, 20150313

방영드라마 TV소설 그래도 푸르른 날에 10회, 20150313

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