Tuesday, March 17, 2015

아침마당, 20150318

시사교양 종합 아침마당, 20150318

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인간극장, 외룡마을 현옥이네 3부, 20150318

시사교양 종합 인간극장, 외룡마을 현옥이네 3부, 20150318

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가족의 비밀 77회, 20150318

방영드라마 가족의 비밀 77회, 20150318

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[코] 가족의 비밀 76회, 20150317

방영드라마 [코] 가족의 비밀 76회, 20150317

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TV소설 그래도 푸르른 날에 13회, 20150318

방영드라마 TV소설 그래도 푸르른 날에 13회, 20150318

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황홀한 이웃 53회, 2015031

방영드라마 황홀한 이웃 53회, 2015031

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폭풍의 여자 98회, 20150318

방영드라마 폭풍의 여자 98회, 20150318

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[코] 가족의 비밀 76회, 20150317

방영드라마 [코] 가족의 비밀 76회, 20150317

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Four Leaf Clover is trending today on Google.

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Four Leaf Clover is trending today on Google.
United StatesTuesday, March 17, 2015
Four Leaf Clover
50,000+ searches
The Mysterious Genetics of the Four-Leaf Clover Wired
Like every other trait on every other living thing, a clover's lucky fourth leaf sprouts from DNA. But the clover genome is surprisingly complicated, and finding the genes responsible—and under what conditions—for the four-leaf mutation is a still ...
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Israel election is trending today on Google.

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Israel election is trending today on Google.
Israel election
10,000+ searches
Israeli election: Benjamin Netanyahu, Isaac Herzog tied in exit polls CBC.ca
Herzog, disputed Netanyahu's victory claim in Israel's election on Tuesday, saying "everything is open". "This result allows us to return to power," Herzog told supporters at party headquarters in Tel Aviv. "We will wait for the real results ...
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Snubbe teckentolkar i melodifestivalen

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Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0OeBrQBPNc&feature=youtube_gdata

Feeding piranhas in a river in Brazil

Title: Most Recent

Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qf1Uew_HVs&feature=youtube_gdata

Aaron Schock is trending today on Google.

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Aaron Schock is trending today on Google.
United StatesTuesday, March 17, 2015
ABC News
Aaron Schock
50,000+ searches
Aaron Schock resigns amid scandal CNN
SEE: Aaron Schock took photographer to India. Pressed about the multiple stories about improper travel/campaign spending, McHenry said, "I know none of the details." But House Speaker John Boehner issued a statement shortly after the news broke ...
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Chuck Norris és a 80 milliárdos köztévé (Cifra Kaloda)

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Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE0n_rPVDrE&feature=youtube_gdata

Kanye West and Happy St Patrick S Day are trending today on Google.

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Kanye West and Happy St Patrick S Day are trending today on Google.
Kanye West
10,000+ searches
Man behind anti-Kanye West petition admits he has never been to Glastonbury ... NME.com
However, the news about West's slot angered him. "I fought the temptation to scream and instead opted to hurl my iPhone across the room," Lonsdale said. "Two years ago we had The Rolling Stones playing the Saturday night, and this year we get Kanye ...
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London Free Press
Happy St Patrick S Day
10,000+ searches
London celebrates St. Patrick's Day 0 London Free Press
Police are letting St. Patrick's Day revellers know that they are keeping tabs on them. Police services across the region have taken to social media to wish people a happy St. Patrick's Day and suggest they plan ahead for a safe trip home. Party, but ...
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Irish blessing and Azealia Banks are trending today on Google.

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Irish blessing and Azealia Banks are trending today on Google.
United StatesTuesday, March 17, 2015
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Irish blessing
50,000+ searches
An Irish blessing: For one day, St. Pat's in Erin is reborn Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
The Rev. David LaPlante, priest at St. Kilian Parish, serves cookies Tuesday after Mass at the closed St. Patrick's Church in the Erin. The church closed in 1999 after a merger but opens every year for the St. Patrick's Day Mass in this community built ...
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Us Magazine
Azealia Banks
20,000+ searches
Azealia Banks Talks 'Fat White Americans,' Kanye West And Race In Playboy ... Huffington Post
Azealia Banks did not hold back during her interview with Playboy for the magazine's April 2015 issue, discussing topics like pervasive racism, her sex life and even Kanye West. The 23-year-old Harlem native, known for her no-holds-barred tweets, began ...
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생명최전선, 80시간 째 근무 중, 20150317

시사교양 종합 생명최전선, 80시간 째 근무 중, 20150317

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EBS 인문학 특강, 20150317

시사교양 종합 EBS 인문학 특강, 20150317

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엄지의 제왕 115회, 20150317

엄지의 제왕 엄지의 제왕 115회, 20150317

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대찬인생 107회, 20150317

대찬인생 대찬인생 107회, 20150317

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학교 다녀오겠습니다 36회, 20150317

예능오락 종합 학교 다녀오겠습니다 36회, 20150317

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룸메이트 시즌 2, 20150317

룸메이트 룸메이트 시즌 2, 20150317

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우리동네 예체능 97회, 20150317

우리동네 예체능 우리동네 예체능 97회, 20150317

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PD수첩, 불경기보다 갑이 무서워, 20150310

시사교양 종합 PD수첩, 불경기보다 갑이 무서워, 20150310

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1대100, 20150317

1대100 1대100, 20150317

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리얼스토리 눈, 자산 30억 도곡동 할머니, 땀방울 남긴 범인은, 20150317

세계 견문록 아틀라스, 20150317

시사교양 종합 세계 견문록 아틀라스, 20150317

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코드제로 5회, 20150317

시사교양 종합 코드제로 5회, 20150317

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TV조선 뉴스쇼 판, 20150317

시사교양 종합 TV조선 뉴스쇼 판, 20150317

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긴급출동 119, 20150317

시사교양 종합 긴급출동 119, 20150317

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SBS 연예뉴스, 20150317

예능오락 종합 SBS 연예뉴스, 20150317

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Israel Election is trending today on Google.

Google Trends
Israel Election is trending today on Google.
United StatesTuesday, March 17, 2015
Israel Election
50,000+ searches
Israel Election: What You Need to Know, From Candidates to Coalitions NBCNews.com
TEL AVIV, Israel — Just over 5.8 million citizens are eligible to vote in Tuesday's closely-fought election, choosing candidates for Israel's 20th parliament since 1949. As current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fights for his political survival ...
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Saint Patrick and leprechaun are trending today on Google.

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Saint Patrick and leprechaun are trending today on Google.
Saint Patrick
20,000+ searches
St. Patrick's Day tradition made in US, not Ireland CBC.ca
Yet Ireland's culture and history are cause for worldwide merriment today. To understand why, one must look not to the Emerald Isle, but to the United States. That's where the version of St. Patrick's Day that is known and celebrated today really has ...
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10,000+ searches
Blast from the past: St. Patrick's Day leprechaun story lives on with millions ... kfor.com
MOBILE, Ala. – It's a news report by an Alabama television station that has been viewed millions of times. Just before St. Patrick's Day in 2006, WPMI received reports that some residents had spotted something strange in a tree. Residents claimed they ...
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돌아온 저격수다, 20150317

시사교양 종합 돌아온 저격수다, 20150317

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시사진단, 20150317

시사교양 종합 시사진단, 20150317

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직언직설, 20150317

시사교양 종합 직언직설, 20150317

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기분좋은 날, 20150317

시사교양 종합 기분좋은 날, 20150317

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MBC 뉴스데스크 , 20150317

시사교양 종합 MBC 뉴스데스크 , 20150317

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채널A 쾌도난마 20150317

시사교양 종합 채널A 쾌도난마 20150317

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장성민의 시사탱크, 20150317

시사교양 종합 장성민의 시사탱크, 20150317

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황금펀치, 20150317

시사교양 종합 황금펀치, 20150317

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KBS 뉴스 9, 20150317

시사교양 종합 KBS 뉴스 9, 20150317

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동물의 세계, 20150317

시사교양 종합 동물의 세계, 20150317

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SBS 뉴스 8, 20150317

시사교양 종합 SBS 뉴스 8, 20150317

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빛나거나 미치거나 18회, 20150317

방영드라마 빛나거나 미치거나 18회, 20150317

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시사기획 창, 20150317

시사교양 종합 시사기획 창, 20150317

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EBS 다큐프라임. 20150317

시사교양 종합 EBS 다큐프라임. 20150317

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더 쇼 시즌4, 20150317

예능오락 종합 더 쇼 시즌4, 20150317

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Sternschnuppe, Meteorit 15.03.2015 Tirol

Title: Most Recent

Url: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S0CHjrVCgc&feature=youtube_gdata

cp24 is trending today on Google.

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cp24 is trending today on Google.
CP24 Toronto's Breaking News
10,000+ searches
News you can use for St. Patrick's Day CP24 Toronto's Breaking News
The show runs until Sunday and tickets are $20 for adults and $14 for seniors. The TIFF Bell Lightbox is showing a number of classic Disney films to coincide with March Break for Toronto students. Remember for instant breaking news follow @cp24 on Twitter.
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